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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Candidate Screening Helps Ensure LASIK Satisfaction

More than 700,000 Americans opt for LASIK surgery each year to correct refractive errors such as myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. Advances in LASIK technology have made the procedure routine and relatively safe, and the vast majority of LASIK patients are very happy with the results. However, complications do occur from time to time, and there are many people who end up regretting their decision to undergo LASIK.

Sadly, many of these cases could be easily avoided by more thorough screening by the ophthalmologist during the diagnostic process. By making sure a person is an ideal candidate for LASIK, ophthalmologists can severely reduce the instances of poor results and dissatisfied patients.

The most common complications from LASIK include dry eyes and night vision problems, such as halos, glare, or starbursts. Some patients may also experience double vision after their procedure. The instances of these complications could be reduced by screening out poor candidates who have dry eyes, large pupils, or irregularly shaped corneas.

However, there is another factor in determining candidacy for LASIK that has nothing to do with your eyes. A recent study indicates that people who are prone to depression are three times as likely to be dissatisfied with their LASIK results as patients who are less prone to depression. By screening for depression before deciding to perform LASIK on a patient, ophthalmologists can substantially increase the satisfaction rate of their patients.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

i had lasik surgery done in columbus, ms and i wish i had never had it done my eyes give me trouble with dryness and i cant really see any better then before light hurts my eyes fast movement at all makes me dissy and messes my sight up...this practice is no good and a doctor that tells you thier going to improve ur eyesight then you end up like me thier should be charges brought on the doctor and they should go to jail..when ur eyes are messed up ur whole life is messed up and the doctor refusses to help me in anyway its wrong and this practice should stop and all doctors that have made thier patients life miserable from a bad job should have thier license taken away and jailed....david 205-712-2890

9:08 PM  

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