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Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Importance of Glaucoma Testing

We have just wrapped up Glaucoma Awareness Month, but that doesn't mean you should forget about the disease. If you are over the age of 40 and have not been tested for glaucoma recently, it is a good idea to visit your ophthalmologist for a screening in the near future.

Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of irreversible blindness, affecting millions of Americans each year. The condition is caused by a build-up of fluid which increases pressure in your eye. This increased intraocular pressure will eventually damage your optic nerve, which sends images to the brain. If this condition goes untreated, the optic nerve damage will eventually become so severe that you will go blind.

The loss of vision begins gradually, and often you will not notice the symptoms until the condition has progressed substantially along its course. Therefore, regular glaucoma screenings are essential so that you can detect the condition in its early stages. Ophthalmologists recommend screenings at least every two years after the age of 40. If you are in a high risk category, you may want to get tested even more frequently.

The following groups of people are at high risk for glaucoma:

  • African American
  • Irish
  • Russian
  • Japanese
  • Hispanic
  • Inuit
  • Scandinavian
  • Over the age of 40
  • Have a family history of glaucoma
  • Diabetics

Since optic nerve damage can never be repaired, vision loss caused by glaucoma is permanent.

Please contact the LASIK Directory today to find an experienced ophthalmologist in your area.


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