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Friday, March 16, 2012

Dry Eye and LASIK

When your eyes are constantly lacking lubrication, you may be experiencing dry eyes condition. If your eyes do not produce enough tears, your eyes will feel dry, and may sting or burn.

Dry eyes are relevant to LASIK in a couple ways. First, LASIK may actually cause dry eyes. In most cases, this is a temporary side effect that will go away as your eyes heal. In other cases, dry eye can persist for several months or years after LASIK. Secondly, your eye surgeon may screen you for dry eye prior to your LASIK procedure so you can treat the condition before getting LASIK.

You should ask your eye surgeon about ways to prevent dry eyes after LASIK, which may include:

  • Ingesting omega 3 fatty acids, whether in supplements, salmon or other forms.
  • Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
  • Using any lubricating eye drops prescribed by your eye doctor.

If you have a preexisting dry eye condition before LASIK, your eye surgeon may recommend certain dietary changes or the use of lubricating eye drops. For severe cases of dry eye, an eye surgeon may suggest an alternative refractive eye surgery procedure like PRK.

To learn more about dry eye and other LASIK considerations, please contact an experienced ophthalmologist in your area.


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