Gorilla Undergoes Successful Cataract Surgery
A gorilla at the Miami Metrozoo recently underwent successful cataract surgery on both eyes. Josephine, the 42-year-old gorilla, had been suffering from cataracts for years and was nearly blind.
The cataract surgery was performed last Friday. While the procedure is very common with humans, less than a dozen gorillas have ever gone through with the surgery. The procedure was considered very risky due to Josephine's age and the fact that she had to be anesthetized.
Zoo representatives have called the procedure a success, and Josephine was returned to her exhibit Monday morning. While very few gorillas have ever received cataract surgery, their eyes are similar to human eyes. Josephine is expected to fully recover in a short period of time.
Josephine has been "showing amazement" at the new world she can finally see. She has been almost blind for many years, and she can now see a great deal of her surroundings for the first time in a long time.
Ron Magill, a Miami Metrozoo employee, told reporters, "It's as if a light switch has been turned on in her life and all of the little things can once again be appreciated."
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