Minimum Age for LASIK Candidates
Jordanian researchers recently conducted a retrospective study at a single outpatient clinic in Amman. The study evaluated the refractive errors of 46,384 consecutive patients. The patients, ages 3 to 82, were separated into four groups based on refractive error:
- Emmetropia
- Low to moderate myopia
- High myopia
- Hyperopia
Based on the findings of the study, the researchers concluded that the minimum age of patients undergoing LASIK for a correction of less than -3.00 diopters of myopia can be safely lowered. It was concluded that lowering the age from 20 to 18 years provided little risk of progression of myopia after surgery.
Eighteen is the minimum age for most LASIK applications. The chronological age of the patient is not the primary concern. In all cases, the eyes must be stable having no change for at least two years. The FDA has approved the excimer laser for patients over the age of 18. Patients under age 18 may have the surgery if their doctor determines that LASIK would be appropriate.
Patients of any age considering laser vision correction should be educated about the risks and complications of LASIK prior to the surgery including the risk of progression of refractive error.
At any age, choosing a Lasik doctor with a proven track record is the key to the outcome you desire. To find a doctor in your area, please contact us today.
Labels: laser vision correction, LASIK
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