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Welcome to the LASIK Blog, a resource for people interested in LASIK surgery. This consumer-friendly blog is intended to be used as a central resource to answer common questions about LASIK and to point you in the right direction.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Implantable Lenses an Option for Patients Not Eligible for LASIK

Implantable lenses or intraocular lenses (IOL) are refractive lenses that are inserted into the eye to correct vision.

There are different types of IOLs. Some IOLs replace your eye's natural lens, and are used in clear lens exchange and cataract surgery. Other lenses are "helper" lenses that are inserted in front of or behind your eye's natural lens. These are called phakic IOLs, and can be used when a patient is not a candidate for LASIK or PRK because their nearsightedness is too severe or their corneas are too thin. During a consultation with a LASIK surgeon, you will should be informed if a phakic IOL is a good option for you instead of LASIK.

There are some risks associated with IOLs that are not typical concerns associated with LASIK. Because the IOL is implanted in the eye the potential concerns are not confined to the front surface of the eye. Once a patient has had an IOL surgery routine exams are needed to ensure that the lens implant does not damage surrounding tissue within the eye or cause other complications. Potential complications include:


  • Sudden rise in internal eye pressure that could lead to glaucoma
  • Loss of cells on the inner surface of the cornea
  • Inflammation inside the eye
  • Retinal detachment
  • Cataracts


When you're considering any procedure to improve your vision, be sure that you understand the risks and benefits. Evaluating which procedure is best for your eyes starts with finding an experience LASIK surgeon. To find an experienced LASIK surgeon in your area please contact The Lasik Directory.




Anonymous Manivone Khounviengsay said...

I hope you will take care to post new one.Thank you

4:34 AM  

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