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Friday, June 29, 2007

Eye Infections May Increase Sales of Disposable Contact Lenses

Continued reports of contact lens solutions causing serious eye infections could bolster the case for and sales of disposable contact lenses. Disposable lenses do away with the need for cleaning lenses and provide users with fresh lenses each day. Disposable lenses are becoming more cost-competitive, and experts feel that doctors may begin to recommend them more often. However, the cost of disposable lenses may prevent them from becoming the first choice for consumers.

At this time, approximately 36 million Americans wear contact lenses and are notoriously bad about taking care of their lenses; chances of catching infections are worse when contact lenses are not cleaned properly and frequently enough. Daily disposables take away cleaning and storage worries. The cost of disposable contact lenses varies; some sell for up to $2 a day per pair. Sometimes, disposable lenses can be bought in bulk, which would save the consumer some money, but disposable lenses are still approximately twice as expensive as non-disposable lenses.

In recent years, several contact lens solutions have been removed from the market after being linked to a rare but serious eye infection that can severely corrode the cornea and even lead to blindness. The infection is called acanthamoeba keratitis (AK) and is a microscopic, water-borne parasite that invades the cornea. The infection occurs almost exclusively in contact lens wearers. Once diagnosed, patients with AK are treated with multiple antibiotics including antifungals, and hospitalization is usually necessary. Even if the infection is brought under control, some patients may suffer severe corneal scarring and require a cornea transplant. In the worst cases, severe vision loss and blindness can occur.

The most recent contact lens solution to be recalled due to reports of AK in its users, was Complete Moisture Plus Multi-Purpose Solution manufactured by AMO (Advanced Medical Optics). This product was recalled in November 2006 due to concerns of possible contamination in the company's facility in China. The recall affected almost two hundred thousands units of the product that were shipped to the United States.

To learn more about the potential dangers of contact lenses, click here to read a comparative article on extended wear contacts vs. lasik eye surgery.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Eyes of Different Colors

When a person or animal has eyes that are two different colors or when one eye is multicolored, it is called heterochromia. Most people consider this exotic looking eye "condition" to be an attribute rather than a defect. It can be inherited or it can be caused by a disease, an injury, or the use of certain eye drops.

Inherited heterochromia is rare in people, but fairly common in dogs, cats, and horses, and is particularly common in certain breeds.

Trauma to the eye can cause iron deposits to form causing discoloration. Tumors can cause the condition. Waardenberg syndrome and Horner's syndrome can cause lightening of the iris. Sturge-Weber syndrome, which can also cause port-wine stains, can cause a darkening of the iris.

To learn more about vision disorders, click here to read articles on vision disorders on The LASIK Directory.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Alcon LADARVision 6000 CustomCornea Recall

The CustomCornea software algorithm installed in the Alcon excimer lasers commonly used for LASIK vision correction surgery have been recalled by the FDA after a marginally high percentage of serious complications in patients of the laser vision correction procedure. The laser was designed to reshape the cornea during LASIK surgery with the intent of eliminating the patient's dependence on conventional vision correction devices.

The CustomCornea algorithm led to a development of central islands in patients of LASIK shortly after its release. Central islands are elevated areas of the cornea due to a lack of the required laser energy for the procedure. Complications of central islands are usually immediately noticeable to the patient.

The algorithm is the source of the problem with the laser and the subject of the recall; the LADARVision 6000 as a whole is not believed to be a concern. The earlier model, the Alcon LADARVision 4000 laser, will not be affected by this recall at all.

Alcon voluntarily issued the recall of the CustomCornea algorithm when reports of the problem surfaced, and all patients of the LADARVision 6000 lasers are directed to contact Alcon toll free at 1-877-523-2784.

For more information on vision disorders, click here to go to the vision disorders section of The LASIK Directory.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Eye Disorders - Styes

Styes are painful, unsightly bumps that develop on the eyelids. While they are miserable to endure, they are usually harmless and resolve themselves in a few days.

Bacteria that gets into the oil gland inside the hair follicle of an eyelash causes a sty which is, in essence, the same thing as a pimple. This often happens if your rub your nose and then rub your eyes, because the bacteria which most commonly causes styes lives in your nose. While we tend to associate that kind of behavior with small children, men and women in their 30's, 40's and 50's are the most likely to develop styes. This is probably due to the fact that stress is also a contributing factor.

If the oil gland becomes completely blocked the sty becomes a chalazion, which can interfere with your vision.

Click here to read more about vision disorders on The LASIK Directory.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Bulging Eye

A bulging eye or bulging eyes may be caused by trauma or medications, or it can be a sign of serious underlying health problems.

General health conditions which may cause bulging eyes
  • Paralyzed eye muscle - can be the result of a stroke, migraine, thyroid disease or a tumor
  • Grave's disease - an autoimmune disease which affects the thyroid gland
  • Mucormycosis - a fungal infection of the lungs or sinuses which usually occurs in people with diabetes or immune deficiencies
  • Vascular problems including blood clots, high blood pressure, and aneurysms

Eye Conditions Which May Cause Bulging Eyes...
Several conditions of the eye itself can cause bulging eyes including problems with the optical nerve, glaucoma, tumor, and orbital cellulitis. Orbital cellulitis is an acute infection of the tissues immediately surrounding the eye and requires immediate medical attention.

To read more about Vision Disorders, click here to visit The Lasik Directory.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Risk of Macular Degeneration May be Lowered by Physical Activity

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a common cause of vision loss in the elderly. In May, 2007, Eyeworld magazine reported that a 15-year study has determined that physical activity may reduce the risk of developing AMD. The AMD study is part of a larger study called the Beaver Dam Eye Study.

Although people who regularly engage in physical activity may be at a lower risk for AMD due to other healthy lifestyle factors, the study found that physical activity may reduce the risk of developing AMD by up to 70%. While the risk did not decrease in younger patients, walking significantly reduced the risk for people 65 years old and older. The results are not conclusive evidence that exercise will prevent AMD, but they are encouraging.

To learn more about vision disorders like AMD, click here to read The LASIK Directory's Vision Disorders page.
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