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Welcome to the LASIK Blog, a resource for people interested in LASIK surgery. This consumer-friendly blog is intended to be used as a central resource to answer common questions about LASIK and to point you in the right direction.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

New Study Finds Cataract Surgery Does Not Worsen AMD

A recent study conducted at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine found that cataract surgery does not worsen the progression of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) in patients who have already started developing the condition. Age-related macular degeneration is a progressive disease caused by deterioration of nerve tissue in the retina, and it is the most common cause of blindness in adults over the age of 55.

The Johns Hopkins study examined the outcomes of cataract surgery performed on 86 elderly patients with AMD. One year after surgery, only 5 % of patients developed new AMD lesions in the eye that was operated on. This figure is not statistically different from the rate of new lesions developed in the subjects' other, unoperated eyes (3.3%).

This evidence contradicts data compiled in the late 1980s which indicated a link between cataract surgery and progression of AMD in patients. The findings in the Johns Hopkins study are very encouraging, but it does not settle the debate over the safety of cataract surgery for AMD patients. Most likely, several other studies must be conducted to conclusively settle this issue.

Ophthalmologists have an obligation to inform patients of the potential risks of AMD progression when recommending cataract surgery so that patents can make an educated decision before undergoing risky surgery.

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Monday, November 09, 2009

Study Finds Cataract Surgery May Help AMD Patients

A new study conducted by the U.S. National Eye Institute has found that patients suffering from age-related macular degeneration (AMD) may benefit from cataract surgery. The study, which was published in the journal Ophthalmology, examined 1,939 cases of patients at various stages of AMD.

While earlier research suggested that cataract surgery might negatively impact AMD patients, this study actually proved the opposite may be true. The vast majority of age-related macular degeneration patients who received cataract surgery as part of this study benefitted from improved visual acuity. Furthermore, these improvements were found in patients with both mild and advanced cases of AMD.

Cataract surgery was also found to benefit patients with both wet and dry forms of AMD. These visual improvements have lasted for at least one year after surgery.

Age-related macular degeneration is a condition affecting approximately 2% of people age 50, but by age 85, more than 20% of the population will develop this condition. AMD results in a loss of central vision and is one of the leading causes of age-related blindness.

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Friday, November 06, 2009

Advanced Surface Ablation Effective Following LASIK

At the 2009 Joint Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and Pan-American Association of Ophthalmology (AAO-PAAO), research was presented demonstrating that advanced surface ablation is a safe and effective way to treat residual myopia or hyperopia in patients who have previously undergone LASIK. Furthermore, this procedure can be performed long after the initial LASIK procedure was completed.

These findings will most likely greatly impact the effectiveness of laser eye surgery procedures. Most of the other re-treatments for LASIK are accompanied by significant risks:

  • Flap lifts may lead to striae, epithelial ingrowth, and complications such as buttonholed irregular flaps, especially when performed long after the original LASIK procedure.
  • Recutting flaps may result in bisected tissue planes with tissue mismatch and poor visual results.
  • Incisional surgery is not as accurate as excimer laser ablation.
  • Photo-refractive keratectomy (PRK) may cause haze in the flap.

The study presented at the AAO-PAAO meeting found that advanced surface ablation was much safer and more reliable than these other re-treatment methods. Furthermore, the average time interval between the original LASIK procedure and the ASA retreatment was 81.9 months, indicating that the procedure is both safe and effective for years following your intial LASIK treatment.

These types of advances in LASIK technology are just part of the reason why LASIK has one of the highest success rates of any surgical procedure.

Please contact The LASIK Directory to find a qualified LASIK surgeon in your area.


Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Discovery of Lymph Channels in Eye May Help Glaucoma

A Canadian research team has recently discovered the presence of lymph channels in the eye. This finding may greatly impact the ability to treat glaucoma and other eye diseases.

The lymphatic system is made up of a series of organs, ducts, and nodes that carry a watery clear fluid called lymph throughout the body. Lymph performs two important functions:

  • Distributes immune cells (lymphocytes) throughout the body to guard against infections
  • Interacts with the blood to drain waste and fluids from cells and tissues

Until now, lymphatics were found in every part of the body other than the central nervous system and the eyes. The discovery of lymph channels in the eye can open the door to new ways to treat glaucoma.

Glaucoma is an eye disease resulting in damage to the optic nerve. If not properly treated, it can lead to blindness. Optic nerve damage is generally caused by elevated intraocular pressure as a result of fluid buildup. The Canadian research team's discovery of lymph channels in the eyes can enable ophthalmologists to target this circulation system in their attempt to reduce intraocular pressure in glaucoma patients.

Currently, the main treatments for glaucoma include the use of eye drops or surgery to reduce the fluid causing increased intraocular pressure. Hopefully, this new discovery will transform glaucoma treatment for millions of patients suffering from this degenerative disease.

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