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Welcome to the LASIK Blog, a resource for people interested in LASIK surgery. This consumer-friendly blog is intended to be used as a central resource to answer common questions about LASIK and to point you in the right direction.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Contact Lenses after LASIK

LASIK enjoys an incredibly high rate of success, with a majority of people reporting vision of 20/20 or better following surgery. But as with any surgery, results vary and there is no guarantee that everyone who undergoes refractive error correction surgery will obtain perfect vision

Depending on how your body heals after LASIK and both the original and new shape of your corneas, it may be necessary to use prescription eyewear even after your procedure. However, your chances of obtaining optimal vision with contact lenses is much higher after your LASIK procedure.

Gas Permeable Lenses

Many eye doctors will recommend gas permeable or hard contact lenses following LASIK. These particular types of contact lenses are capable of producing clear vision that is not always possible with soft lenses or glasses. If you are sensitive to hard lenses, hybrid varieties can be nearly as effective. What is best for you will depend on your specific needs.

Contact lenses are generally only recommended when LASIK enhancement is either not possible or has failed to produce optimal results. Your eye doctor will be able to determine what is best in your situation and help you find the solution that provides the clearest vision possible.

Contact the LASIK Directory to find an experienced eye doctor in your area today.

Monday, August 12, 2013

What Smoking Does to Your Eyes

If you smoke or have spent any time around smokers, you know that cigarette smoke can irritate the eyes, making them itchy, red, and watery, similar to the symptoms of dry eye syndrome. These surface irritations are, however, the least damaging thing cigarette smoke does to vision.

There is significant evidence linking cigarette smoking to vision disorders including:

People who smoke are at a much higher risk for these and other disorders, many of which can lead to a permanent loss of vision.

Smoking Cessation

With things such as macular degeneration, studies have found that damage done by cigarettes cannot be undone. However, quitting now eliminates compounding damage. It is important to remember that many of the issues caused by smoking are related to nicotine, which is a vascular constrictor. This means that continued use of nicotine products, including e-cigarettes, is not an effective way to reduce risks to your vision. To help reduce risks and ensure optimal vision well into the future, complete cessation of nicotine products is essential.

Your physician and eye doctor can work together to help you overcome your addiction and protect your eyes and body for years to come.

If you are interested in learning more about maintaining optimal visual health, please contact an experienced eye doctor in your area today.

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

LASIK for NFL Referees

One of the most respected referees in the NFL, Edward Hochuli, famously quipped that a blown call was the result of his inability to properly see. Hochuli stated that, before the game, he didn’t know if he should wear glasses or contact lenses due to the windy conditions. His choice of eyewear turned out to be incorrect and many consider his blown call to have cost the San Diego Chargers the game.

With football season upon us, perhaps it’s time to revisit the importance of optimal eyesight when controlling the outcome of a game. Many of the calls in football come down to minor details and a ref who can’t properly see does a disservice to fans and players alike.


Hochuli’s dilemma before that fated game didn’t have to be an issue. In fact, his refractive error could easily have been addressed through LASIK, most likely freeing him from the burden of prescription eyewear and allowing him to see under any weather conditions.

But you don’t need to be an NFL ref to benefit from LASIK. People who enjoy watching football can also benefit greatly from this procedure. Optimal eyesight better enables you to enjoy the game without having to worry about trivial issues like glasses falling off or contacts wrinkling right before a field goal. If you really want to enjoy your game, you should talk to your eye doctor about LASIK today.

To discuss your options for LASIK, please contact an experienced eye surgeon in your area today.

Monday, August 05, 2013

Risk Factors for Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration is an age-related disorder in which sharp, central vision gradually diminishes. It remains one of the leading causes of blindness in the United States.
While age-related, your risk for macular degeneration is also linked to your sex, your race, and your family history. In addition to factors beyond your control, risks for macular degeneration may rise due to things such as:

  • Tobacco use
  • Obesity
  • Poor diet
  • High blood pressure
  • Over exposure to direct sunlight

Whether or not you are at a heightened risk for macular degeneration, it is important that you begin to see an eye doctor once a year after the age of 65. Macular degeneration is not treatable, but it is manageable. The earlier your eye doctor can detect this degenerative vision disorder, the better your chance of maintaining clear sight in the future.

To slow the progression of macular degeneration your eye doctor may recommend quitting smoking, adding more nutrient-dense foods to your diet, and engaging in more physical activities. What is right for you is best determined by your eye doctor and will be based on your unique needs.
Please visit our the LASIK Directory to find an experienced ophthalmologist in your area today.
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Disclaimer: The content on our website and this page about LASIK surgery is for informational purposes only. To learn more about LASIK surgery in your area and situation, please contact a LASIK surgeon above or click here to let us find an eye doctor for you.