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Monday, June 30, 2014

Myopia may Increase with Higher Education

Following the first population-based study to establish what role environmental factors play in myopia, researchers at the University Medical Center in Mainz, Germany have found that years spent in school attaining advanced degrees increases the risk for becoming nearsighted – visually at least.
Examining myopia in nearly 4,700 men and women who had not undergone refractive surgery and had healthy eyes, researchers found that 53 percent had attained advanced degrees. 35 percent of those in the study group were vocational or high school graduates, and 24 percent had neither completed high school nor received additional training. The results of the study have been published in the June issue of Ophthalmology, the journal of the American Academy of Ophthalmology. 
Treating Myopia
No matter if your nearsightedness is linked to genetics or environmental factors, refractive surgeries such as LASIK can free you from the burdens of prescription eyewear. By addressing corneal irregularities, LASIK allows vision to be perfected permanently, offering those who suffer from myopia flawless vision for a lifetime. Your ophthalmologist can best assess your particular vision disorder and help you determine if LASIK is right for you.
To learn if LASIK is right for your needs, please contact an experienced eye surgeon in your area and schedule a consultation today.

Caffeine and Dry Eye Syndrome

Can a cup of coffee every day help those who suffer from dry eye syndrome get relief? According to researchers at University of Tokyo's School of Medicine it may very well do just that.
For this study, caffeine pills and a placebo were alternately administered to control groups. In every case, researchers found that those receiving the caffeine pills produced more tears than those receiving the placebo. Caffeine has a similar effect on other bodily secretions including saliva and digestive juices.
Dry eye syndrome can affect anyone, but is more common in women. Symptoms may include excessive tear production, though most often burning sensations or a gritty feeling in the eyes mark the condition. Depending on the severity of your dry eye syndrome, prescription medications may be required for lasting relief. This is something best determined by your eye doctor.
Dry eye syndrome may simply be an annoyance for some people but for others it can exacerbate vision conditions and diseases. If you are suffering from this common disorder it is important to discuss treatment options with your ophthalmologist to help prevent long-term problems from arising.
If you suffer from dry eye syndrome, please find an experienced eye doctor in your area and make an appointment today.
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